J Olinger is an illustrator and volunteer residing in Portland, Or who loves everything and anything pertaining to comics.


June 22, 2015

It's the start of a very busy month!  Today is the start of summer term at Portland State University, where I am enrolled in 18 credits.  18! Two of the four courses I am enrolled in are only 4 weeks long, so that alleviates some of the stress that comes with taking MORE than a full load.  But between my work schedule, classes and volunteer positions, it means that I really  don't have a day off until July 19th-ish.

But wait, there's more!

So, not only am I a time and a half student who working part-time, add in my art regime: Last Thursday, First Thursday, group shows, Portland Zine Symposium... and yes, this is all within the next month as well. Can I do it?  YES I CAN! (not that I have a choice, really).


Well, realizing that I can do whatever I want, I've decided to shoot for the stars. Or at least Scotland. I'm taking extra classes  because I'm receiving two minors--Medieval Studies and Art History--as well as a Comic Studies Certificate.  Pretty impressive, I know. Mix that with my 3.95 GPA, numerous volunteer positions and self-published titles and BAM! You've got yourself a grad student! Potentially a grad student who relieves a hefty amount of money through grants and scholarships, but we'll just have to wait and see on that.

My future goals aside from tackling the next month:
-start my journal comic about the end and beginning of academic adventures
-publish a scholarly article pertaining to sequential art
-build a better site to promote art, potentially return to Etsy?
-dedicate time to working on the big name scholarships, the Fulbright and Marshal

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